Practice, Reza Momeni MD, FACS
1 Diamond Hill Rd
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
United States
Questions Answered
Years of Membership
1 Diamond Hill Rd
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
United States
I had a breast augmentation about eight years ago. In the past few years, I have gained about 42 pounds. I am in the process of losing it. However, one breast now seems larger than the other one. My question is, will they both even out after I have lost all the weight I have gained?
I'm getting breast augmentation and the surgeon who I'm scheduled with said I will not need a breast lift. I showed my photos to my friend who works for a plastic surgeon and she reviewed it with her Doctor. He thought that I needed a lift or my implants which, are going to be place subpectoral…
I am currently morbidly obese (313lbs) and have begun a diet and exercise regimen. The problem is that my breasts are extremely large, to the point where I am unable to find any place with a bra that fits. The biggest bra I own is a 42P and it does not fit. It is causing tremendous pain with my…
I have been told that Juvederm injected into the balls of the feet can take away the pain of wearing heels. Is this a viable option?
1 Diamond Hill Rd
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
United States