What is gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) is an aesthetic procedure that corrects oversized breasts, nipples or areolas and restores a more masculine-looking chest.
Why get gynecomastia surgery?
If you are not comfortable with your overly large male breasts, gynecomastia surgery may be right for you.
A male breast reduction is a great option if you have any of the below concerns:
- You are unhappy with the size or appearance of your breasts or nipples.
- You experience physical discomfort because of your breasts.
- You have tried diet and exercise to reduce your breast size without results.
- You are reluctant to remove your shirt in public.
- You don’t want to be associated with “man boobs.”
Below are some of the benefits of gynecomastia surgery:
- Reduce the size of oversized male breasts
- Improve your overall body proportions
- Correct nipple deformities
- Remove any physical discomfort
- Enjoy permanent results
- Feel comfortable revealing your chest contours, clothed or unclothed
- Improve your self-image and self-confidence

What should I consider before undergoing gynecomastia surgery?
Please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon for more information on what is unique to you.
- You need to be in good general health.
- There are a few rare medical problems that cause gynecomastia. You should first see your family doctor to rule these out.
- Your enlarged chest may consist of excess fatty tissue (pseudogynecomastia) rather than breast tissue. In this case, you may be able to improve your appearance with diet and exercise alone, or possibly only liposuction contouring rather than excisional surgical techniques.
- You need to have good skin elasticity for gynecomastia surgery. Your skin may lack the necessary elasticity for proper contraction if you are age fifty or older, have significant sun damage, have breasts with a lot of stretch marks or have undergone gastric bypass surgery.
- You cannot be significantly overweight. Although surgery could help you, your results will not be as good. For this reason, you should try to get within thirty to forty pounds of your ideal body weight before surgery.
- You should not use marijuana, steroids or drink alcoholic beverages excessively (some experts say that these substances may cause gynecomastia).
- Scarring may make you feel self-conscious.
- You may be disappointed with your final results.
- Weight gain following this surgery will compromise your results. Maintaining a stable weight will ensure that your improved body contour will be long-lasting.
- The recovery time is typically around one to two weeks but may take longer, depending on the complexity of your surgery.