Practice, Halil Ege Ozgentas MD
Prof. Dr. H. Ege Ozgentas Rumeli C 71 K6 Sisli
34330 /İstanbul
Questions Answered
Years of Membership
Prof. Dr. H. Ege Ozgentas Rumeli C 71 K6 Sisli
34330 /İstanbul
I am currently morbidly obese (313lbs) and have begun a diet and exercise regimen. The problem is that my breasts are extremely large, to the point where I am unable to find any place with a bra that fits. The biggest bra I own is a 42P and it does not fit. It is causing tremendous pain with my…
Prof. Dr. H. Ege Ozgentas Rumeli C 71 K6 Sisli
34330 /İstanbul