Breast Reduction
Can a breast reduction be covered by insurance when doing the mommy makeover? I have been seeing a chiropractor for years and he said if I were to have a breast reduction done, it would help with my back problems. I also want to get a tummy tuck at the same time, so I'm inquiring if insurance would cover the cost of the breast reduction if I were to have the mommy makeover.
You should be careful when trying to get Reconstructive Surgery (Breast Reduction) with Cosmetic Surgery (Tummy Tuck) at the same surgical setting/ time. Many insurance carriers do not allow such combined services. Insurance companies can & do disallow all payments when such procedures are performed together/ combined. Because of this several hospital systems now refuse to allow Reconstructive Surgery (Breast Reduction) with Cosmetic Surgery (Tummy Tuck) to be performed at the same setting / time. Be honest with your insurance carrier & disclose what you want to have done. Let them tell you if it OK rather than, latter facing very large health care bills.
Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Breast reduction is a common procedure that I perform. Through incisions placed around the nipple, the lower portion of the breast and in the breast fold, I can reshape and reposition the breast tissue to help alleviate back, neck and shoulder pain, grooving in the shoulders from bra straps, and irritation and rashes in the breast folds. There are specific requirements that most insurance companies need to have satisfied before covering breast reduction, so you should check with your plan to see whether this maybe covered. You could likely have the tummy tuck at the same time, but check with your plastic surgeon for their specific requirements and opinion.
If you are a good candidate for a breast reduction, most insurance companies will cover the cost of that portion of the surgery. They will not contribute to the rest of the mommy makeover procedures though.
If you qualify based on size and symptoms, a breast reduction can absolutely be covered by your insurance. If you have a belly button hernia or bad C-section scar portions of the tummy tuck can be covered as well.