What is the best procedure for deep, vertical lines on both upper and lower lips?
I read that laser resurfacing may be best for vertical lips lines. Is this true? If not, is there anything else? I am 63 years old and considering a facelift. Should I have the facelift before laser resurfacing or just the opposite?
A fractional laser treatment of some kind is the best long term option for reducing those stubborn lip lines. Botox can soften them temporarily if you are looking for a minimally invasive, (though temporary) procedure as an second option. The deeper the laser treatment, the better the result, therefore I suggest the fractional laser treatment to all of my facelift patients while undergoing facelift because they are already either asleep or numb in the lip area. You will be healed from the laser before the facelift and your smoother skin will make you feel even more encouraged as you go through the healing from the surgery parts. Be sure to ask to see before and after photos and to select a surgeon board certified in by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Speaking with a patient from the practice that has gone through the same procedure(s) can also be very helpful and encouraging.
Great questions! In terms of timing, a facelift would not have a significant impact on deep wrinkles around your mouth. Thus, they can be performed in any order or you could have laser resurfacing at the same time as your facelift.
In terms of how to bet deal with the deep wrinkles around your mouth, a great deal depends on how much "sun damage" you have on your face. Any treatment modality - chemical peel, dermabrasion, laser ablation (CO2, erbium, fraxel ablation, etc.) can provide a significant improvement in the wrinkles around your mouth. BUT.....it will also make the skin around your mouth lighter in color. Often, patients that are in your age group with deep peri-oral wrinkles have a brown discoloration of the skin around the mouth and also on the adjacent facial skin. All of the above treatments will make the skin around the mouth lighter in color. While improving the wrinkles around the mouth, you may be unhappy with the difference in the skin color of the mouth area vs. the untreated adjacent skin of the face. Thus, while not a lasting solution, skin fillers may provide a temporary improvement in the wrinkles around your mouth. Please consider this information when you seek consultation with your ASAPS Board Certified plastic surgeon.
I consider in my 25 years of practice the dermabrasion of vertical lips line is the most efficient.The recovery time is 7 to 10 days post op, but the result is natural and long lasting compared to any fillers or injection in this area. I usually perform this procedure before a Face Lift or together with Vertical Face Lift. I would advise fat transfer to this region of the face if necessary.
The optimal procedure for reshaping the lips for deep vertical lines is Erbium dual laser. Along with plumping of these deep areas approximately 3-6 weeks after your laser brasion with a Filler like, Restylane Silk, or Belotero. One should and can do the laser resurfacing and Facelift simultaneously in the hands of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with expertise in Facial Resurfacing and Facial Reconstruction.