Thickened skin, after CO2 laser resurfacing. What can be done?
Asked 2014-11-14
In the cases where the areas of skin, (as mentioned on this website), are thickened after CO2 laser resurfacing, what can be done? The website talks about some medications that may help. What are they? How long, after the procedure, can the medicine be prescribed? Is there any other way to blend the thicker skin in with the surrounding areas?
1 answer
Yes, there are prescription medications that many practitioners utilize post laser resurfacing to assist in the maturation of the skin. Some are bleaching agents, steroids, etc. and even Retin A. An examination would be required to determine which agent would be best in your case. Consider a ASAPS member in your area for an evaluation & possible course of treatment.
Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS