Can an esthetician in NY perform laser skin resurfacing under the supervision of my surgeon?
Asked 2014-08-22
It was a board certified plastic surgeon that I consulted with for several procedures. After, I was told by a friend that estheticians are not allowed to perform laser treatments except hair removal. Is this true? The more I research it the more I find estheticians performing this service. I don't know what to believe. I certainly want to go to a qualified person.
1 answer
Laser Resurfacing can be a rather extensive procedure. Resurfacing lasers sold to Spa's & Aestheticians typically have limits that hopefully prevent significant skin damage. For a Laser Resurfacing I would recommend seeing a surgeon, preferably a member of the ASAPS. They are experts in the field of Laser Resurfacing.
Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS