Breast Augmentation with Lift
I had breast augmentation with a lift 8 days ago. Every time I move my left arm either to pull or push, it feels like the implant is moving underneath the muscle. Is that normal?
Yes this is a normal sensation 8 days after surgery. In general you should limit pushing and pulling as per your surgeon’s instructions. Also, for any postoperative concerns you should always start by calling your physician’s office.
It is not terribly abnormal to hear and feel a lot squishing and rubbing from the implant moving in a newly made pocket that may also be accompanied by some fluid (blood) and air (that gets trapped in the pocket when the surgery is performed. This goes away over a period of weeks to months. You are only 8 days out from having surgery and there will be many changes that occur over that same time period. Longterm, it is also not abnormal for sub-muscular implants to move as you move your arms. This is just part of having implants placed under the pectoral muscle.
Thank you for your question and selecting ASAPS member surgeons for your answer. The first few weeks after breast augmentation where the implant is placed under the muscle can be interesting for patients as your body adapts to the implants and the overlying muscle stretches out. It is quite normal to feel implant movement and even hear a little squishing or sloshing sound. It is important to have regular follow up visits with your surgeon to monitor your progress along the recovery pathway. All the best on a great result and speedy recovery.
After breast augmentation (with or without lift), and after most operations we perform, patients have questions. We thoroughly discuss during consultation and preop visits what to expect postop, but questions are not unusual and we encourage them. We tell our patients to fell free to call us, day or night. Submuscular implants do move, or the muscle does move over the implant. This can feel unusual at first, but is probably normal. Your own surgeon is in the best position to answer your questions, and should be please to hear from you. Best Wishes.
When the implants are placed under the muscle, or SubPectoral, they will move with any activity of the arms. As the muscle relaxes over the implant, it may be less noticed. Generally, limiting the movement and activity for the first 2-4 weeks will allow for a quicker healing