Fat buildup due to insulin injections, is liposuction the answer?
Asked 2014-10-10
I have been Type I diabetic for more than 31 years; 10 years doing 4 injections a day, since then I have been on an insulin pump. I insert in my lower abdominal area and have developed a belly that does not seem to related to the rest of my body. I have been doing online research with few results. However liposuction has been suggested as a treatment. I am not the only diabetic who has this problem. Will liposuction help me?
1 answer
Consider starting with your primary Care Practitioner for a full metabolic & hormonal work-up. Then, consider a consistent diabetic diet & exercise program. Often a nutritionist can be of great assistance. If all stays the same and your work up is normal for an Insulin Dependent Diabetic then, liposuction may be of help to you.
Gary Culbertson, MD, FACS