Mini facelift for a 38 year old?
I am 38 years old and experiencing descent of the cheek pad area which has in turn resulted in a droop of the Nasolabial region, giving a tired and older look. I have tried fillers multiple times but not quite solved the problem . I am wondering if a mini lift would help address the issue. I have been researching online and seemingly mid facelift also came up as an option but the satisfaction rate is way too low. So I am wondering if a mini facelift would help address cheek pads and mild jowls.
Don't be concerned with the name of a procedure. Start viewing before and after images of patients who look like you to start, with a result that are pleasing to you. Then, check the training and certification of the plastic surgeons who perform the procedure. An in-person consultation is ideal.
Fillers can be wonderful, but inexperienced injectors can overfill and / or inject improperly leaving the face looking puffy, unnatural and too full
There are a number of surgical and non-surgical options that can improve one's cosmetic appearance: fillers, skin-tightening procedures, lasers, fat contouring, and a variety of face lifts. Each has benefits and drawbacks. Mini procedures do not produce the long lasting maximum improvement that is achieved with a natural appearing artistically performed lift performed by an expert experienced plastic surgeon. The best result is achieved by a combination of elevating the sagging tissues, removing the excess skin, contouring the fat, and adding micro-fat grafts or fillers where there is a deficiency.
Keep in mind, that following the exact advice from a surgeon on this or any other website who proposes to tell you what to do based without examining you, physically feeling the tissue, assessing your desired outcome, taking a full medical history, and discussing the pros and cons of the proposed operative procedure may not be in your best interest. I would suggest you find a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and ideally a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) that you trust and are comfortable with. You should discuss your concerns with that surgeon in person.
Facial rejuvenation needs to be individualized. What would be an ideal approach for one patient is not necessarily the same for someone else. Based on the examination and discussion at the consultation, you should have a better understanding of the various options that can achieve the best cosmetic result for you.
Robert Singer, MD FACS
La Jolla, California
Mini Facelift In A 38 Year Old - If one truly has facial aging and jowling with fat loss in the central part of the face, one can consider having a natural full-face rejuvenation. This can be done with a “Lift and Fill” facelift with central compartment, deep malar fat restoration and lateral SMAS manipulation.
You may be correct that Mini Facelift is the solution since it addresses cheek descent (skin, fat and fibrous support), jowling, mouth commissure changes, and the jawline. Hyaluronic acid fillers are often used in conjunction with that procedure, and fat grafting can be worthwhile.
Consult a board certified plastic surgeon who performs both standart facelift and modified lifts, such as the mini facelift for an in-person evaluation.