Can you have breast implants on top of the muscle and underneath the muscle?
Asked 2014-06-26
Can you have breast implants on top of the muscle and underneath the muscle? I have 465 high profile on top of the muscle.
2 answers
Answered 2014-07-01
While it may be possible, most experienced plastic surgeons would not recommending stacking implants above and below the muscle, because of the potential greater risk of problems.
We can place the silicone implants in 3 different planes, under the pectoralis muscle, under the muscular fascia, or under the mammary glands. Depending on the skin or gland coverage to protect the implants we go deeper or superficial. The submuscular space is used when you are very thin or no projection is present in the pectoral area or when we have a breast deformity present as in tuberous breasts. I prefer to use the subfascial plane in average patients through the mammary fold to avoid a capsular contracture.