Will breast implants impede the production of milk or negatively affect breastfeeding of the baby?
Will breast implants impede the production of milk or negatively affect breastfeeding of the baby?
This is a very good question and is often asked from child bearing women who are considering breast implant surgery. Breast augmentation surgery will not affect breast feeding. The implant is not in the breast tissue itself but underneath the muscle or underneath the breast gland. The incision placement may affect this to a very small extent but not significantly. The periareolar incision procedure will cut through some breast ducts and cause some degree of scarring. The infra-mamary incision will avoid the breast completely. Good luck.
Some women, who never had breast surgery, are naturally unable to breastfeed, and some variations of breast augmentation may make it more likely that you are unable to breastfeed, but most women with breast augmentations are able to successfully breastfeed. Breast implants pose no medical risk to your baby.
Robert Singer, MD FACS
La Jolla, California