Tummy Tuck
Am I too obese for tummy tuck surgery? Since an emergency C-section from my pregnancy, my stomach is more low hanging than ever. I have muscle everywhere else, but my stomach is low hanging and I am afraid it’s just excess skin that’s causing my weight to be 280. I have an athletic shape and I am strong through my body. I just need to know if I need to lose a certain amount of weight to be a candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Thank you!
If you have overhanging stomach then you may be a candidate for a TT but I would at least need to see photographs to evaluate better. You can send them to me and I could also give you the price for doing this.
Excellent question, and one best answered during in-person consultation with a plastic surgeon. However I can offer some general suggestions. At 280 pounds, you have statistically higher risks of surgical complications including wound healing problems, infections, blood clots, etc. Successful tummy tuck done now would improve your comfort and possibly clothing fit, but would do little to decrease your overall weight. If you were to later achieve major reduction of excess weight, then your tummy tuck result would seem loose again. As an alternative, tummy tuck after weight reduction will give your surgeon the best opportunity to give you the most effective and attractive result. Best Wishes.
Thank you for asking. Height, weight, and the location for the excess skin and tissue are important factors. Being evaluated in-person is necessary and being healthy enough for a procedure are factors that a plastic surgeon can assess. Making sure you are reasonably close to an appropriate weight for you will allow you to reach a both safe and best possible outcome. Hope this helps and best wishes!