Can fat be transferred to a person's upper arm?
I am a male who suffered a bicep rupture of the long head tendon and now I have a visual defect in the upper arm in the bicep area. I have been told the defect can be filled with filler or fat transfer and with fat transfer being longer lasting is this the best option? Note: I am a body builder and my bicep muscles may increase in size over time so would expect to need more than one fat transfer or filler injected, can you advise me please?
Yes, I have transferred fat to many areas. First, you need to have enough fat to "harvest" in order to transfer it. Second. your body may not "grow" into the fat and it would just dissolve. I have about a 60-70% take of fat transfer to buttock but them that percentage goes down into other areas significantly.
Ideally you repair the problem so I am assuming you cannot repair your rupture... and in that scenario, fat can be grafted to literally anywhere on the body BUT it requires you rest the area for weeks and in my experience, body builders are the most non-compliant patients when it comes to restricted activities post-op. And you are correct that it will require more than one session as you evolve and you MUST have some excess fat that can be harvested. Not many body builders I know have that reservoir of fat to tap.