Is it possible to have a second breast lift?
I am 25 yo and have no kids. I had tuberous breast deformity on both sides. 2 years ago I got implants and periareolar lift. Unfortunately, I am not happy with the result. Implants are too big for me (even if they are 250cc and 275cc) and my breasts are saggy. I would like to get a revision after pregnancy but am scared. Will I lose my nipples? (I can't trust my surgeon again and don't have the operative report). Do I have to live with these breasts? Thank you in advance
Don't be discouraged, tuberous breast deformities can be hard to correct depending on the degree of deformit. 2 years is an adequate amount of time to allow the tissues to heal and decrease risk of having issues with the nipples during a revisionary surgery. The op report can be requested from your original surgeon. No you do not necessarily need to live with your current breasts. Bottom line is you need a second opinion to guide you through this process; dont be afraid to get a 3rd opinion either.
Good luck
Second breast lifts can certainly be done but its imperative you release your records to whomever you choose to see as your surgeon will need to know how your blood supply to your nipple was designed. So things can be made better but in general, its always nice to work with your original surgeon as there are usually financial perks to minimize the costs the second time around.