As 2024 comes to a close, it is hard to believe that there will be less than three months left until The Aesthetic MEET 2025 and the end of my Foundation Presidency. It has been a busy eight months as President; I am thankful to have met many of you in my travels and for the opportunity to spread the word about all the incredible work being done by The Foundation and The Society.
Get Ready for the New ARISE Registry, Powered by Aesthetic One
You will likely have heard by now about the recent upgrades made to Aesthetic One and in turn, the ARISE Registry (American Registry for Implant Surveillance). For those not yet using Aesthetic One, register to use the new web-based platform, available through any browser. Through incredibly hard work from Foundation Immediate Past President, Dr. Caroline Glicksman; staff, Frank Im and Alicia Potochniak-Vale; and dedicated users, over 50,000 implant registrations have been restored in Aesthetic One, thus feeding the crucial implant data of ARISE. New information that will be collected includes explantation data, vital to understanding the motivations of patients. Get involved now to streamline your implant registration process and assist your patients in receiving their unique implant information.
And remember, faxing implant registrations will soon be a thing of the past. Thanks to Allergan Aesthetics, An AbbVie Company; Mentor Worldwide, LLC; Motiva by Establishment Labs; and Tiger Aesthetics, registration for their devices can be done right on the platform, no faxing needed!
ARISE is the most advanced and complete implant registry in the world. When you register breast implants in ARISE, you're not just registering devices, you're registering how these implants are being used! The process can be easily and promptly completed in minutes, using the convenient drop-down menu on the app. Upon completion of the registration, the information can be downloaded to serve as the operative report for the implant procedure, since it contains all the pertinent information needed. EFFICIENT! Get ready to hear much more about the ARISE Registry in the coming weeks!
Calling All Mentors - Medical Students Are in Need
The Foundation's Externship Program continues to be a success and provides valuable mentorship and education to medical students interested in aesthetic plastic surgery. The Program is in year-round need for Aesthetic Society Member mentors to provide a one-week shadowing experience in your practice as well as a year-round mentorship via phone and/or email. I recently had two students observe my practice and every time I do it has been incredibly rewarding and fun. The feedback from the students is extremely positive and they're all so grateful for the opportunity. In our practice in particular, the students most enjoy interacting with our residents and experiencing firsthand what lies ahead at the next level of their educational journey in becoming a plastic surgeon. Meeting these young future surgeons reminds me to stay relevant and fresh in my techniques so that I can be a positive influence over the next generation of our specialty. I strongly encourage you to sign up to mentor, and our staff will connect you with a student in your area.
2025 Career Achievement Award - Two Exceptional Honorees!
Drs. Jack Fisher and Pat Maxwell are receiving The Foundation 2025 Career Achievement Award at The Aesthetic MEET in Austin. Donating to honor Jack and Pat serves many purposes this time of year. No surprise that these two influential and dedicated breast surgeons have asked that all donations in their honor go to the Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund. A fund that at this point has provided money directly to over 100 patients in need. Your donation is fully tax-deductible as you work towards 2024 year-end planning. Donate to honor two surgeons who have impacted our specialty, support breast cancer patients in need, and spread the joy this holiday season!
Thank you to all who have donated and paid your dues, participated in Foundation funded research, mentored medical students, and volunteered your valuable time on committees and the Board! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Oni Garcia Jr., MD
The Aesthetic Foundation President